Test Your Gearhead Level – Can You Identify this Supercar from the Preview Image of a Design Patent?
If you were able to identify the car from the preview image taken from a design patent that issued this month, then you, my friend, are an EatMyRubber level 10 gearhead.
No luck? Does this hint do it for you? If so, you are an EatMyRubber level 8 gearhead.
Still, can’t get it. Try the next hint. If it now clicks, you are an EatMyRubber level 6 gearhead.
Still, can’t get it. Try the next hint. Now if you can identify the muscle car then you are an EatMyRubber level 4 gearhead.
That’s right, it is the beautiful Aston Martin Valkyrie. If you are an Aston Martin fan, this book is for you.
Dave Dawsey – Monitoring Supercar Technology
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